Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Just Blogging

Last night I decided to keep my god daughter. That was the worst mistake I made. I was up all night with her. It seemed that every two hours she was awake. It started at 12 o'clock and lasted until 7 o'clock this morning. I learned a lesson form this experience, I will never keep her on a school night again.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Busy Weekend

This weekend will be so busy for me I will not have a chance to do anything. The only thing that I will get to do this weekend is work for school for next week. I hope that next weekend be better because I have plans to go and visit my boyfriend.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Just posting

Today is Tuesday January 16, 2007. It is a very cool and breezy day today. I enjoy this type of weather any day over a hot day. It is also suppose to rain today i hope it doesn't because then it will be all nasty outside. For the remaining of the week we will still experience cool temperatures which I will enjoy

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Creating a link

This is a link to the class blog.


This is my very first time doing a blog. I always read them when Im on Myspace veiwing my friends accounts. I hope that I will enjoy doing blogs for this particular class.