Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Just Blogging

Last night I decided to keep my god daughter. That was the worst mistake I made. I was up all night with her. It seemed that every two hours she was awake. It started at 12 o'clock and lasted until 7 o'clock this morning. I learned a lesson form this experience, I will never keep her on a school night again.

1 comment:

REDD94 said...

Hey! Take it from a mother of two--the getting up every hour after you have slept for 30 minutes, fixing a bottle, changing a diaper, or even trying to remember to go to the bathroom for yourself is a very tiring job. I can say I don't miss being a mother, but when you are going to school, you get kind of glad when your children get older and they are able to care for themselves. So, I guess your right - you're really going to have to stick to babysitting on the weekends only!